Showing posts with label Quilts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quilts. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Great Saturday

By: Kajsa Sabatke, Interpretive Projects Coordinator
Autumn in central New York can mean nearly any variety of weather; last Saturday brought sunshine, warmer temperatures, and crisper autumn air. After several dreary days, the sun had clearly brightened the spirits of staff and visitors alike and I had one of the best days of the season in the More House. I saw smiles on nearly every visitor’s face and discussions of the weather entered into many of my conversations throughout the day. I had forgotten to bring my watch with me, but thanks to the many activities during the day I usually knew the approximate time. The morning flew by with quilting a pot holder and talking to visitors, and I didn’t think about the time until the noon whistle blew from downtown Cooperstown. The loud pounding from the Williams Carriage Shed (the only noise louder than the blacksmith during the day) signaled the 2:00 flax processing demonstration, and visitors began congregating in the More House a little before 3:00 to take a tour with me of the second floor. By about 3:20 the grounds quieted as visitors gathered at the farmstead to milk the cow, and the sun dipped below the nearby hill at 4:00 as it begins to do this time of year. What a great day! The museum will stay open through the end of October and changes to its reduced hours after Columbus Day weekend – so stop by and see us soon! We also have a few other programs running through the fall.
Above photograph of the Blacksmith Shop by Steve Kellogg who blogs here.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Scrap Quilting

By: Kajsa Sabatke, Interpretive Projects Coordinator
I’ve taken a break from the More family sampler to help out with some other textile projects. In the process I’ve re-learned how to sew in a straight line and grown to appreciate just how much work goes into any hand-sewn project (particularly a quilt). Several people on the interpretive staff are working together to make a log-cabin-patterned quilt. The quilt will be made up of seven sets of squares; each square is predominantly one color and we are making seven squares of each color. This is called scrap quilting because we use scraps of fabric that are left over from making clothing and other items. After Gwen gave me a brief introduction to the project, I began cautiously sewing together the rectangular pieces of fabric and slowly pieced together a completed square. I have gradually increased in speed and skill, and after a couple of weeks I could even continue to sew in a straight line while conversing with visitors as they watched me sew. Once we complete all 49 squares, we will sew them all together into a quilt that we’ll use on one of the beds in the historic village.
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